Make the dream a reality
The Jerusalem Print Workshop is a public-benefit corporation acting to give currency to the field of artistic printmaking in Israel. Despite having limited
resources, the Workshop has succeeded, with the power of the vision and faith of its people, to become a national and international art center of prominent artistic and cultural significance.
The budget of the Workshop, which is based on sales of prints and public support, is not enough to fund our activity. We devote endless efforts to searching for means of funding, which will enable us to continue to achieve our goals. Your donations, small or large, will allow the activity to continue and expand, and guarantee the existence of the Workshop as an artistic and
cultural center for years to come.
Donations to the JPW are tax-deductible in accordance with Section 46א of the Income Tax Ordinance.
Donations by JGive
The donation through the website is recognized for tax purposes in Israel and other countries such as Great Britain, USA and Canada.
for donations
For donations by credit card
Please call +972-2-6288614, On Sun-Thu, 8:00 am – 15:00 pm
For donations by bank transfer
Jerusalem Print Workshop, Bank Poaley Agudat Israel (52), Kanfei Nesharim Branch (182), Account number 409-729493
For donations by cheque
Please make out to: Jerusalem Print Workshop and send by post to: Jerusalem Print Workshop, 38 Shivtei Israel St., Jerusalem 9510561